Sunday, July 29, 2012

Modified WOD & Mountain Biking


3 rounds (21, 15, 9 reps)
Dead Lift (185)
Burpee Box Jump
Burpee Pullups

Mountain Bike 28 miles

Mountain Bike


Mountain Bike 28 miles



Warmup, Pushups 30, 20, 20, 15, 15 (4:00)
Bench Press (135) 10, (225) 10, (315) 6, (225) 10, (135) 10
Incline DB Press (110) 10, (85) 8, (75) 5
DB Fly (45) 10, 10, 10 (50) 8
Weighted Dips (65) 9, 5, 3 (0) 10

Run 3 miles


Run 3 miles in morning



Dead Lift (135) 10, (225) 10, (315) 8, (365) 2
Wide Pullups (45) 8, 5
Wide Pullups (slow) 7, 3
Pullups (fast) 10, 4
Pullups (kip) 15, 15
DB Row (120) 10, 8, 5
Straight Pulldown (40) 10, 9, 8
Rear Shrug (110) 15, 12, 12

Run & Legs


Run 3 miles in morning.

Warm up, Squats (45) 3 sets
Box Jump superset with Squats 10 reps
Squats (135) 15, (225) 12, (275) 10, (315) 5
Leg PRess superset with Squats (550) 15, (640) 15, (730) 10
Squat (45) 15, 15, 10
Extensions (150) 15, 15, (170) 10
Leg Press (feet high) (450) 15, (540) 15, 15
Curls (150) 12, 12, 12

Modified WOD reps of 30 workout


Run 3 miles in morning.

Situps 30
Deadlift (225) 30
Box Jumps 30
Overhead Squats (95) 30
Pullups 30


Run, Crossfit WOD & Arms


Run 3 miles in morning.

Warmup, Run 1mile, 9 min
Thrusters (95) & Pullups 21, 15, 9 (14:00) that shit is hard!
Biceps Bar Curl (45) 100 partition: 30, 20, 13, 10, 7
Alt hammer Curl (35) 10, 10, 10
Dips 20, 15, 10
Triceps PRess (rope) (42.5) 10, 10, 10

Run & Legs


Run 3 miles in the morning.

Lunges 1 minute x 3
Extensions (130) 20, (150) 20, (170 ) 20
Squats superset with Box Jumps (165) 15, (235) 10, (315) 5
Box Jumps 20, 15, 10
Leg Press superset with Squats (600) 20, (690) 15, (790)
Squat (45) 20, 15, 10
LEg PRess (feet high) (450) 15, 15, 15
Curls (130) 15, 15, 15

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Arms & Mountain Biking


This is a snapshot of my dashboard from the Garmin software you get with your Forerunner 110. The bottom is cut off, but it also charts out your HR and shows your uploaded device. At first I thought the watch was expensive, but now I want to upgrade. I love this thing!

Warmup, Concentration Curls (20) x 50, Single DB Overhead Extensions (20) x 50
Alternate DB Curl (40) 11, (40) 6 (35) 3, (35) 5 (30) 5, (35) 7 (30) 3
Preacher Curl (65) 11, 11, 11 (75) 6
LF Machine Curls (110) 12, 12, 12, 10
Close Grip Smith Bench (110) 15, (160) 10, 10
Overhead DB Extension (80) 12, (90) 10, 9
Rope Press (37.5) 20, 15, 15
Forearm Curls (behind back) (85) 20, 12, 12, 12
French EZ Bar Curl (45) 20, 12, 12, 12

Mountain Bike 40 miles

Chest & Mountain Biking


Warmup: Pushups x 2 sets, DB Flys (25) x 3 sets

Bench Press (225) 20, (315) 6, (225) 9, (135) 10 (4:1)
Weighted Dips (60) 12, 10, 8
Cable Flys (27.5) 12, (32.5) 10, 10

Mountain Bike 12 miles

Back & Calves


Warmup, Pullups (45) 5, 5, 5, (25) 5, (0) 10
Cable Rows (close grip) (100) 15, (200) 12, (240) 6, (260) 5
DB Rows (100) 12, 10, 10
Straight Arm Pulldowns (40) 12, 10, 10
Pull Downs (close grip) (140) 12, (160) 10, (200) 5
Rear Smith Shrug (160) 15, 15, 12, 12
Calf Smith Raise (160) 15, 15, 12, 12

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Workout 2: Shoulders


HSPU x 30
Military Press (185) 3 (155) 3, 4, 4
DB Press (100) 5, 5, 5
Side Raise (25) 15, (30) 12, (35) 8
Front Raise (25) 10, (30) 7, 6
Rear DB Fly (25) 12, 11, 10

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Workout 1: Functional Training


Warmup 10 minute walk 4.0 mph, no incline

Body Squat x 20
Heavy (battle) Ropes:
- Alternating Waves 30 seconds
- Double Waves 15 seconds
- Big Slams: 15 seconds
Overhead Squat (95) 15, 10, 6
Pushups x 20
Situps x 20
Rope Pulleys x 8, 6, 6
Pulls/Chins x 10
Ring Dips x 10
Repeat this series of exercises x 3. Overhead squats and rope pulleys had descending reps for each set.

Monkey Bars (back and forth, up and down) x 2

Most of this is done on the Purmotion FTS (functional training system). I love this thing! I wish it had a taller center tower for Rope ascents. You can kinda do an ascent by wrapping the rope around a higher pullup bar, but you have to do an "L" climb, upper body only. It's just not the same. The monkey bars and the ropes are hard work and a lot of fun!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Run & Legs


3 mile run, outside, early am.

Warmup, Lunges 1 minute x 3
Extensions superset with squats:
Extensions (130) 20, (150) 15, (170) 10
Squats (45) 20, 15, 10
Leg Press superset with Squats:
Leg Press (feet low) (640) 20, (730) 15, 10
Squat (45) 20, 15, 10
Squats (225) 10, 10, (315) 4 (225) 6
Leg Press (feet high) (450) 20, 15 (540) 10
Curls (130) 20, (150) 15, 10

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Run, Ride, Ride + Pulls & Chins


Run 3 miles in early AM.

Mountain bike 31 miles.

Mountain bike 5.5 miles
Pullups x 40
Chinups x 40

Crossfit WOD 02/07/12


Burpees x 70
Situps x 60
Kettle Bell Swing (25) x 50
Pullups x 40
HSPU x 30
26:42 - Time was almost too slow to post. I blame the heat!

Biceps Curl (45) x 100

Workout 1: Chest & Workout 2: Tomlinson (hero workout)


Workout 1:

Run 1.5 miles outside (temp in high 90's, too hot!)
Bench Press (135) 20, (225) 20, (275) 10, (315) 5
Incline Isolateral Press (200) 15, (250) 10, (280) 10
Weighted Dips (45) 15, (75) 10, 7
Cable Fly (27.5) 15, 12, 12

Workout 2:
Tomlinson hero workout from Crossfit. I did the running on the treadmill and I did not time the workout either.

Run 200 meters
Burpee Deadlifts (with 60 lbs DB's) x 11
Repeat for 8 rounds



Chins x 10, 10
Pulls x 10, 10
Cable Rows (close grip) (140) 12, (160) 12, (180) 10
Cable ROws (wide grip) (140) 12, (120) 10, 10
Straight Arm Pulldowns (30) 12, 12, 12
Pulldowns (close grip) (140) 12, (160) 10, (180) 6
Trap Rear Shrug (120) 15, 15, 15, 15
Front Shrug (70) 12, 12, 12

Run, Shoulders & Calves


Run early morning. Ring Dips & Pullups x 30 each.
Temperature has been in the hundreds, brutal heat!

Warmup, Jump Rope 5 minutes
HSPU x 40
DB Press (80) 15, 12, (70) 12
Upright Row (95) 15, 12, 10
Side Raise (25) 15, 13, 10
Rear Cable Fly (17.5) 15, 15, 15

Smith Calf Raise (160) 20, 20, 20, 20
Seated Raise (200) 12, 15, 15, 15

Run (early AM) & Legs


Run 3 miles outside in the morning.

Lunges 1 minute x 4

Extensions superset with Squat
Extensions (130) 20, 15, 10
Squat (45) 20, 15, 10

Squats (225) 10, 10, 10, 10
Leg Press superset with Squat
Leg Press (feet low) (450) 20, (540) 15, (630) 10
Squat (45) 20, 15, 10
Curls (130) 20, 15, (150) 10
DB Stiff Leg Deadlift (100) 10 (120) 10 (140) 10

Back is pretty much back to normal. Still a little stiff in the morning, but I can run outside with no problems.

Running again with my Garmin Forerunner 110


Bought a Garmin Forerunner 110. Read reviews about several sports watches, HR monitors, with and without GPS. I love the forerunner. GPS is fast and the watch is easy to use the software and Garmin website are the shit! The watch records everything from calories, speed, route, HR, elevation and distance. I can upload everything to the website and it expands all the information into easy to use charts, maps etc. Very slick, very useful, so glad I bought this!

I got a speed rope, but double-unders are still a bitch! I also ordered some gymnast rings. I love doing ring dips, I get a super chest pump from them.

Arms & Calves


Warmup 10 minutes
Warmup, Dips x 30
Warmup, Chins x 30

Overhead Db Extension (80) 15, 15, 15
Pressdown (with EZ bar) (85) 15, 15, 15
Overhead Rope Extension (47.5) 15, 15, 13
Incline DB Curl dropset (40) 13 (30) 7, (40) 5 (30) 10, (40) 5 (30) 10
Bar Curl (45) 25, (65) 15, 10
Hammer Curls dropset (40) 10 (30) 10, (40) 10 (35) 5, (40) 10 (35) 5
French Curls (35) 20, 20, 20, 20

Calves Smith Press (160) 20, 20, 20, 20, 20

My back is much better, alignment almost there. I can run on the treadmill, but my glutes, hams and lower back get sore. Still stretching and using wobble disk.

Workout 1: Upper Body & Workout 2: Shoulders


Workout 1: Upper

Bench Press (135) 25
Deadlift (95) 20, (105) 15, (135) 10
Superset with Crunch x 25
Curl & Press (45) 10
superset with Crunch x 25
Rope Pulleys x 6
Thrusters (95) 10
Battle Ropes 45 seconds
Chinups x 10
Ring Dips x 10
Pullups x 10

Workout 2: Shoulders

HSPU x 15, 7, 5, 5
Military Press (135) 18, 12, (95) 5, (135) 10
Upright Row (95) 20, 15, 10
Side Raise (25) 20, 15, 10
Rear DB Fly (20) 10, 10, 10, 10
Face Pull (52.5) 12, 12, 12



Squat (45) 15, (225) 10, 15, 10
Extensions superset with Bodysquats
Extensions (130) 20, 15, 10
Body Squats (45) 20, 15, 10
Leg Press superset with Body Squats
Leg Press (feet low) (550) 20, (650) 15, 10
Body Squat (45) 20, 15, 10
Leg Press (feet Low) (550) 20, 15, 10
Curls (130) 20, (150) 15, 10
Bodys Squat (24) 25, 25
Lunge x 12, 12



Pullups Wide (weighted) (45) 10, 5, 5
Pullups Wide 12, 10, 10
Straight Pulldown (40) 12, 10, 14, 9
DB Rows (100) 10, 10, 10



Warmup, Chinups 15, 10, 5
Warmup, Dips 15, 15

Superset pressdowns and Rope Press
Pressdown (with bar) (85) 15, 15, 15
Rope Press (47.5) 15, 15, 15

Skull Crush (65) 20, (85) 12, 11
LF Machine Curl (130) 20, 15, 15, 15
Cable Curls (62.5) 15, (57.5) 15, 15
Hammer Curls (45) 15, 15, 15
French Curls (85) 15, 12, 12



Walk 1 mile
Hand Stand Pushups x 15, 10, 6, 6, 10
DB Press (dropset with 90 & 50 DB's) x 20, 15, 10
Side Raise (25) x 20, (20) x 15, 15
Rear Cable Fly (17.5) 20, 15, (22.5) 12
Face Pull (42.5) 20, 15, 10

Back Pain has moved down to pelvis and tailbone, alignment getting better from stretching, swiss ball, foam roller and wobble disk.

Workout 1: Upper & Workout 2: Legs


Walk 1 mile

Crunch x 25
Rope Pulleys x 6
Battle Ropes  45 seconds
Medball Situps x 25
Ring Dips x 10
Pullups x 10
Repeat x 3

Legs: Reps x 25, 15, 10 for each exercise

Lunges x 12, 12, 12
Leg Press (feet low) (650) superset with Body Squat
Extensions (150) superset with Body Squat
Leg Press (feet high) (550)
Curls (140)
Body Squat x 150

Abs & Calves


Crunch x 100
Medball Situp x 100
Leg Raise (Roman Chair) x 100

Smith Calf Raise (110) x 100
Seated Calf Raise (150) x 100

Back still out, no running.