Thursday, August 23, 2012

Cleans, Ring Dips, Pullups, Run


Power Cleans & Hang Cleans (75) 5, (95) 5, (135) 5, (155) 2, (165) 2, (185) 2, (205) 1
Ring Dips 21, Run 100 y, Pullups 21, Run 200 y
Ring Dips 15, Run 200 y, Pullups 15, Run 400 y
Ring Dips 9, Run 200 y, Pullups 9, Run 400 y

CF WOD - Thrusters & Run


Thruster (135) 15
Run 200 m
Thruster (95) 30
Run 400 m
Thruster (65) 30
Run 800 m

Morning Run and Leg Workout


Run outdoors 4.25 miles

Warmup, Body Squats x 100
Squats (135) 10, (155) 10, (175) 10, (195) 10, (215) 10, (235) 10, (255) 10, (275) 10, (295) 5, (315) 4
Extensions (150) 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 (130) 10, 10, 10

Warrior Dash, Johnson Creek, WI, 08/18/12

The Warrior Dash was a blast! I went with a group of Anytime Fitness people and my sister, who was an honorary Anytime Fitness member. I am looking forward to the next race. I am thinking about doing the Galdiator or Spartan Race coming up in the next couple months. The Warrior Dash is more fun than  competition, so anyone could probably do it. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a challenge outdoors and who is willing to get dirty!

Arm-centric Workout


L-Sit x 5
Snatch (65) 10, (75) 10, (95) 10, (135) 5
Deadlift Curls (65) 20, (75) 15, (95) 15
LF Machine Curls (90) 20, (110) 15, (130) 10
Weighted Dips (45) 20, 15, 10
HSPU x 30
Rope Press (30) 20, 15, 15

Body Circuit


Warmup, Pullups, L-Sit Pullups
Situps x 100
Bird Dog Pushups x 40
Wall Ball Shots x 45
Kettle Bell Swings x 50
Burpees x 50

Body Circuit


Warmup, walk 4.0 mph 10 minutes
Ring Dips 13, 12
L-Sit Pullups 10, 10
Pushups 20, 20
Body Squats 15, 15
Pulleys 10, 8, 6
Heavy Ropes 60 seconds (Alt. Waves 30 seconds, Double Waves 15 seconds, big Waves 15 seconds)
Burpies 10, 10

Workout 1: Legs & Workout 2: Shoulders/Abs


Workout 1: Legs

Warmup, Jump Rope, Handstands, L-Sits

Squat superset with Box Jump (135) 10, (225) 21, 15, 9
Box Jump 10, 21, 15, 9
Single-Leg Press (190) 21, 15, (215) 9
Body Squats x 150

Workout 2: Shoulders/abs

HSPU x 30
Push Press (95) 21, (115) 15, (125) 9
Forward FLys (20) 10, 10, 10
Lying Upright Rows (67.5) 10, 12, 10
Face Pull (57.5) 10, 10, 10

L-Sit x 3
Leg Raise x 15, 15, 15, 15

Biking, Pullups, Handstands


Mountain bike 16 miles
100 Pullups
Handstands 30 minutes

CF WOD - Squats


Warmup, Jump Rope x 300
I suck at double-unders (even with speed rope) but managed 17.

This was another crossfit workout 3 types of squats 4 reps of each, increasing the load for each rep.
Overhead Squat 1-1-1-1, loads: 135, 155, 185, 205
Front Squat 1-1-1-1, loads: 225, 245, 255, 260
Rear Squat 1-1-1-1, loads: 295, 315, 325, 330

Thursday, August 9, 2012

CF WOD "Jared"


This workout is a Crossfit WOD called "Jared" go to to learn more. I definitely recommend visiting the crossfit site. Tons of useful information and interesting perspective on health fitness. Plus the workouts are sick!

4 rounds of
800 meter run
40 Pullups
70 Pushups

42:07 this workout was rough.

Body Circuit


Perform each exercise before going to second set. 3 sets total
Plank 2:30, 1:30, 1:00
Situps 25
Side Planks 30/30 seconds
Bag Drag (90) x 6
Farmer's Walk (180) x 5
Pushups x 25
Leg Lifts 60 seconds
Jump Squats x 20

Workout 1: Legs & Workout 2: Body Circuit


Workout 1: Legs
Jump Rope x 300
Walking Lunge 60 seconds x 3
Squat (135) F, (185) 15, (235) 12, (315) 4, (225) 10, (135) (4:4 tempo) 5
Extensions (superset with front squat) (150) 15, 12, 10
Front Squat (45) 15, 12, 20
Leg Pross (low) (superset with front squat) (550) 10, (640) 8, 10
Front Squat (45) 10, 10, 10
Walking Lunge 60 seconds x 2
Box Jump 30" x 10, 10

Workout 2: Body Circuit
Body Squat x 50
Pullups x 50
Dips x 50
Wall Ball x 50
HSPU x 20
Burpee Box Jump x 25
Kettle Bell Swings (35) x 50
Situps x 50
Bosy Squats x 100

Chest Workout


Pushups x 100 (3:22 minutes)
Bench Press (135) 10, (225) 10, (315) 4, (225) 10, (135) (1:4 tempo) 5
Dips (45) 10, drop weight / 10, (45) 5 / (0) 5, (45) 8 / (0) 4

Circuit Workout


Jump Rope x 300
Pushups x 25 / HSPU x 25
Dips x 50
Chins x 50
Farmer's Walk (180) x 5
Burpee Box Jumps x 25
Wall Balls (15) x 50
Kettle Bell Swings (35) x 50
Farmer's Walk (180) x 5
Back Extensions x 50
Situps x 50
Jump Rope x 300

47:00 minutes

Workout 1: Arms & Workout 2: CF WOD


Workout 1: Arms
Warmup Bis/Tris
Bar Curl (45) x 100
Incline DB Curl (40) 8, 7, 5
Hammer Curl (45) 10, (40) 10, (35) 10, 10
Triceps Press Down (85) 10, 10, 10
Rope Extension (overhead) superset with Rope Press Down (37.5) 10, 10, 10
Rope Press Down (37.5) 10, 10, 10

Workout 2: WOD
Thruster (75) x 30
15' Rope Ascents x 3 (had to do towel pulls x 15 instead, which I think are harder)
Thruster (75) x 20
15' Rope Ascents x 2
Thruster (75) x 10
15' Rope Ascent x 1

Brutal! especially after doing arms earlier.

CF WOD (modified)


I had to scale this WOD down. Crossfit kicks my ass sometimes, so I do what I can.

50 Reps per exercise:
Box Jump 24" (I used an 18")
Jump Pullup
Kettle Bell Swing (35)
Walking Lunge
Knees to Elbows
Push Press (45)
Back Extensions (had to do these on an LF machine)
Wall Ball (20) (I used a 15# ball, all I had)
Burpees (I crumbled here and only did 25)
Duble-unders (I suck at these, I did 200 regular jumps instead)

CF WOD & Low Volume Leg Workout


WOD: Clean & Jerk (135) 3, 3, (155) 3

Squat (135) 10, (225) 10, 10, 10, 10
Leg Press (550) 10, (730) 10, (820) 8, 8
Extensions (150) 15, 12, 12

Workout 1: Circuit & Workout 2: CF WOD


Workout 1:

3 sets of the following exercises with Reps at 21, 15,  and 9, (except for heavy ropes)
Heavy Ropes: Alternating Waves (30 sec), Double Waves (15 sec), Big Waves (15 sec)
Deadlift (95)

Workout 2:

CF WOD: Hang Cleans (135) 15, Burpees x 15. Rounds x 3
Traps were wrecked from this workout for a 5-7 days!

CF WOD (pullups)


1 Round:
3 pullups with (45) DB, drop DB continue to do 5 strict dead hang pullups, then 7 kip pullups

Repeat for a total of 10 rounds. I could not complete this workout. I made it 8 rounds before my hands blistered and ruptured under the calluses, did not want to destroy my hands. This workout was brutal with or without destroying my hands.

Run & Arms


Run 3 miles in AM

Triceps Rope Press (30) 20, 20, 20
Single DB Extension (20) 12, 12, 12
Kickbacks (10) 12, 12, 12

Cable Curls superset with Rope Hammer Curls (47.5) 10, 10, 10
Rope Hammer Curls (37.5) 10, 10, 10
Incline DB  Curl (40) 10, 5 (35) 5, 10
Hammer Curls (40) 10, 10, 10
PReacher Hammer (25) 10, (30) 6
Rear Wrist Curl (65) 20, (75) 15, (65) 10 , 10, (45) 10
French Curl (55) 15, 12, (35) 12, 10