Tuesday, October 4, 2016

workout 16.40.3 - clean, jerk, pull, bridge, row, plank

10/05/16 - workout 16.40.3

dynamic warmup

clean & jerk (10 minutes to workup to a heavy single)
emom 5 minutes
clean & jerk x 2

clean pull (add 20-30# to above weight) 5 x 2
barbell glute bridge (185/225) 5 x 5
barbell row (95/135) 5 x 5
weighted plank (25/45) 30 seconds x 3

Tuesday, September 6, 2016


workouts are shit right now, sprain my ankle.


Tuesday, August 30, 2016

w1 snatch, clean, jerk, pull, lung RDL, w2 row, wallball, push press, toe2bar, pullup


workout 1

emom 5 minutes
snatch (8 second pull from ground to hip) x 2 (95# first 3 minutes, 135# last 2)

emom 5 minutes
clean (6 second pull from ground) + jerk (2 second pause on dip) x 2 (135)

clean pull 5 x 2 (255, 275, 305, 320, 345)

reverse lunge (185) 3 x 4
romanian deadlift (320) 3 x 4

workout 2

7 rounds
row 1 minute/250m (1:50/500m pace)
rest 30 seconds
row 1 minute, max distance (318m)

amrap 12minutes
wallballs (20) 60
push press (135) 40
toes to bar x 60
pullups x 40

08/30/16 - bench, pullup, row, dip, kipping, headstand, rollup


bench press x 6-4-2-1
weighted chinup x 6-4-2-1

3 rounds
single arm db bench press (90) 6/6
pendlay row (185) x 5
ring dips x 8

emom 12 minutes (1 minute rest after last exercise)
kipping (hollow/extension) x 15
headstand x 10
rollups x 10

Sunday, August 28, 2016

snatch, squat & back


emom 10 minutes
power snatch (145) + hang power snatch + snatch balance + front squat (165) + OHS + back squat

5 sets
rear pulldowns
straight pulldowns (rope)

6 sets
cable rows  (start at 140, increase each set to 240)

4 sets
smith rear shrug
face pull

08/27/16 - hspu, thruster, k2b, deadlift, burpee, kb swing, pullup


7 rounds
hspu x 7
thruster (95) 7
knees to elbows x 7
deadlift (245) 7
burpee x 7
kb swing (72) 7
pullup x 7