Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Legs, Week 1, Day 3, Y3T / New Equipment

At my gym we have Life Fitness Elliptical machines that are not quite a year old. They aren't the top-of-the-line model, but Life Fitness doesn't make junk. So today a lady in the gym approached one of the other trainers and asked if we could get new elliptical machines, because the ones we have hurt her knees. I was trying to figure out how she could make such a request? Didn't she consider the fact that the other 900+ members might like the machines we have, or maybe its her knees that should be replaced?

Yesterday I did arms. Today I am not feeling any soreness in biceps or triceps, (not good). I worked legs today and it seemed like a decent workout. My quads were exhausted and tight afterwards which is usually a good sign.

Week 1 - 01/31/12 - Legs: sets, (weight) reps
Warm up - Leg Extensions: 2 sets, (70) 12, (70) 12 
Warm up - Squats: 4 sets, (135) 10, (135) 10, (135) 10, (135) 10
Squats: 3 sets, (275) 10, (175) 10, (275)10
Leg Press: (820) 10, (910) 10, (910) 10
Extensions: (150) 10, (160) 10, (165) 10

Seated Leg Curl: (130) 10, (150) 10, (150) 10
Stiff Leg Dead Lift (with dumbbells): (140) 10, (160) 10, (180) 10

Monday, January 30, 2012

Arms, Week 1, Day 2, Y3T / Wanting Wings & Abs.

Tonight during a training session, one of my clients said she wanted abs. She also said she wanted chicken wings for lunch, so she ate chicken wings. Personal training + chicken wings does NOT = abs

Tip of the day: When you have abs–yes, you can eat chicken wings! If you are trying to reveal your abs, you should avoid unnecessary fat. 

I am on day 2 of the Y3T program. My calves are sore, shoulders are not. Nothing unusual for shoulders. Using heavier weight and utilizing rest/pause to squeeze out the last 3-or-so reps, definitely helps my focus. I don't waste energy or feel the need to over-train. Todays workout seemed decent as well. I definitely felt pumped throughout the workout, we'll see how I feel tomorrow.

Week 1 - 01/30/12 - Arms: sets, (weight) reps
Warm up - LF Iso Lateral Biceps Curl: 4 sets, (70) 12, (90) 12, (100) 10, (100) 9
Barbell Curl: 3 sets, (100) 8, (90) 8, (80)10
Alternating Dumbbell Curl: (40) 10, (40) 10, (40) 8

Warm up - Push-down (with rope): 4 sets, (30) 12, (40) 12, (40) 12, (40) 12
Push-down (with straight bar): 3 sets, (85) 10, (100) 10, (105) 10
Dumbbell Extension (seated): 3 sets, (80) 10, (90), (100) 7

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Shoulders & Calves, Week 1, Day 1, Y3T, New Training Program

Starting Y3T training program today. Trying to add some new curves to this dusty ol' physique! Sometimes it's hard to try a new training program, especially when its so different from what I am used to. I have been holding steady where I am at right now (weight and body fat percentage), so something needs to change. The Y3T method basically starts with heavier weights and lower reps and progressively changes to lighter weights with higher reps. Starting the first few weeks with more compound movements and weights heavy enough to employ rest/pause technique to finish the last few reps of each set. Rest periods are 1 - 1.5 minutes. My diet is still way off. I am getting all my protein, but my carbs are off and fat is way off. Need to get the percentages to 40:40:20. My cardio needs to be kicked up a notch. I am not a big fan of 35-45 minute cardio sessions, so I will probably stick to 1 minute sprints/1 minute rest for 15 minutes, 3x per week. Here is today's workout.

Week 1 - 01/29/12 - Shoulders & Calves: sets, (weight) reps 

Rubber Band Lateral Raise & Press (warm up): 4 sets (30) 10
Seated Dumbbell Press: 3 sets (90) 11, (95) 8, (95) 7
Lateral Raise: 3 sets (30) 10, (35) 10, (40) 8
Upright Row: 3 sets (95) 10, (115) 10, (115) 10
Bent Lateral Raise: 3 sets (20) 10, (25) 10, (25) 10

Smith Machine Calf Raise (warm up): 4 sets (135) 20, 20, 20, 20
Seated Calf Raise: 4 sets (195) 10, (215) 10, (215) 10, (215) 10
Single-Leg Calf Press (Linear Leg Press): (210) 10, (230) 10, 10, 10

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Still Sick and Ordering Supplements

I have been sick for the past three days. No workouts, aside from a little bit of posing in the mirror and I am looking pretty soft. That Entenmann's coffee cake and a bag of chocolate chips might have had something to do with that. I was supposed to workout with a client today, but I am way too congested still. Hoping I will feel well enough to get into the gym tomorrow. Working out when your sick sucks, especially if you are congested and can't breathe through your nose. 

I ordered some new supplements today from bodybuilding.com. I love that website! I ordered some of my regular protein, Gold Standard 100% Whey (Optimum Nutrition). I have tried lots of protein supplements and I make my choice based on taste, cost, protein per scoop, and cholesterol and carbohydrates per scoop. I am also going to order some supplements I have not tried before (see below). I'll post what I think of them over the next 30 days or so. I also got another free shaker bottle as a gift. 

Essential AmiN.O. Energy (Optimum Nutrition) 
I usually take BCAA's, but this one contains Taurine and Citrulline. Branch Chain Amino Acids are critical for muscle growth. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins and proteins make muscles. Taurine increases muscle strength and endurance. Citrulline is converted to arginine in the body which is then converted to nitric oxide. 

Hyper FX (BSN) 
I guess I am going to combine this with the AmiN.O. Energy for my pre-workout supplement. I usually take NOxplode (BSN), but I wanted to change it up or cycle my pre-workout, so I don't build up a tolerance. This supplement contains all kinds of good stuff. Beta-Alanine - helps boost muscle strength, power and endurance. Betaine Anhydrous - boost muscle strength and power as well as aid in joint repair, improve liver health and increase the body's production of creatine. D-Asparatic Acid - boosts testosterone. Choline Bitartrate - can increase muscle strength and endurance. Improves brain function ad mental focus. Synephrine - boosts metabolic rate without affecting heart rate or blood pressure.

Carbo Plus (Universal) 
I need to add some quick digesting carbs to my post workout shake for glycogen restoration. 

CGT-10 (Optimum Nutrition)
Creatine -promotes lean muscle growth, strength and power. Glutamine - supports lean muscle gains as well as recovery and immune system function. Taurine - see above.

1.M.R Powder (BPI Sports)
This is a pre-workout supplement and I pretty much have that covered, but it was a $10 add on to my order. Seemed like a steal, so I got it. Ill give it a shot or maybe I'll just keep it in my office for my trainers when they run out of or forget their pre-workout supplement.