Thursday, June 30, 2016

4th of july workout!


workout 1

for time
back squat (bw) 12
row 250m
front squat (bw) 9
row 250m
overhead squat (bw) 6
row 250m
bear complex (bw) 3
row 250

workout 2

for time, time cap
peg board x 1
tire flip x 20
rope climb x 1

workout 3

AMRAP 6 minutes
row 400m
sandbag carry 60 yards
farmers walk 60 yards
kb swing x 50
tire flip x 5
rope climb x 1

07/01/16 - squat, snatch


dynamic warmup

double unders 4 x 20
squat (405) 5 x 5
snatch (95, 115, 135, 155, 175, 185, 205) 1

ghd situps
ghd hip extension

row, burpee, jump, row, run, situp, tgu


dynamic warmup

AMRAP 8 minutes
row (calories) 30 seconds, rest 30 seconds
(106 calories)

AMRAP 8 minutes
burpee x 4
24" box jump x 8
trx row x 12
(152 reps)

AMRAP 8 minutes
run 200m
situps x 20
turkish getup (35) x 2
(3 rounds+200m)

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

clean, squat, deadlift, toe to bar


dynamic warmup

clean - work up to a heavy single in 10 minutes (135, 185, 225, 275, 300 PR!)
use 60% of the above weight for the following weighted exercises

5 rounds
clean (180)  5
front squat (180) 5
deadlift (180) 5
toe to bar x 5

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

bridge, toss, burpee, push, plank, situp, slam, superman


dynamic warmup

5 rounds
bb glute bridge (185) 5
mb keg toss (20) 5

3 rounds
burpees x 20
pushup x 20
alternating plank (2 count)x 20
spiderman plank (2 count) x 20
situps x 20
slamball x 20

superman x 50

Monday, June 27, 2016

squat, thruster, pullup


dynamic warmup

squat (280, 305, 325) 5, (370) 3, (395, 415) 1

amrap 13 minutes
thruster (45) 18
pullup x 12
8 rounds

Thursday, June 23, 2016

row, sled, run, swing, burpee, situp

06/23/16 - workout 16.25.4

Dynamic warmup

5 minute timecap for each set

Row 1250m

Sled push relay (load sled with 3 plates of the same weight ie. 3 green)
Push sled 20 yards, remove plate and push sled back to start
Push sled 20 yards, remove plate and push sled back to start
Push sled 20 yards, remove plate and push sled back to start
Return plates back to start and reload plates

Run w/kettle bell (35#)
Run 300m
Kb swing x 30
Run 200m
Kb swing x 20
Run 100m
Kb swing x 10

5 rounds
Burpee x 10
Situp x 20

Friday, June 17, 2016



dynamic warmup

squat (415) 10 x 3
deadlift (135, 225, 275, 315, 365, 415)

Thursday, June 16, 2016

row, push, toe, wallball, clean, etc.


dynamic warmup

row 550m
hand release pushup x 50
toe to bar x 50
wallball x 50
medball clean to shoulder x 50
kb swing x 50
keg toss x 50
burpee x 50
situp x 50
run 550m

back, squat, run, press, pull


workout 1

4 sets: rear pulldown x 10 + pulldown x 10
cable row
straight arm pulldown
incline db press

workout 2

squat (395) 7x5

4 rounds
push press (135) 5
chinup x 8
run 400m

Sunday, June 12, 2016

shoulders, arms, calves


4 supersets for each pair of exercises

cable side raise
cable front raise

alternating db curl
single arm overhead db extension

single arm preacher curl
rope press down

single arm pull down curl
single arm cable extension

3 sets of each
seated calf press
standing calf press
leg press calf press

Super Spartan


8.5 miles,  27 obstacles, muddy as shit!

Friday, June 10, 2016

Thursday, June 9, 2016

chinup, walk, sled, slam

06/09/16 - workout 16.23.4

Dynamic warmup

partner workout, each complete the following
3 rounds
8 minute timecap per round, rest for remainder of time when completed under 8 minutes
chinups x 20
Farmers walk (135 per axle) 80 yards
Sled push (170) 80 yards
Slamballs (20) x 40

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

clean, hang


dynamic warmup

clean & jerk (135, 165, 185, 225,  245) 1

partner workout
one partner hangs while the other completes reps
5 rounds
clean (135)
hollow hang

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

back, arms, chest


machine row 3 heavy sets
machine chest press 3 heavy sets

close grip pulldown 3 heavy sets

4 super sets, 8-10 reps
cable row
wide grip pull down, behind
straight arm pull down

single arm pull down curl
rope press down

single arm preacher curl
single arm overhead extension

incline db press (80, 90, 100, 110, 125) 10

Monday, June 6, 2016

squat, core


dynamic warmup

squat (395) 7 x 5

5 rounds
situp x 20
superman x 10

Sunday, June 5, 2016

06/04/16 - run, toe to bar, wallball, etc.


dynamic warmup

30 minute time cap
run 1100m
toe to bar x 25
wallballs (20) 75
double unders x 75
row 1100m
pullups x 25
burpees x 75
kb deadlift (72) 75

06/03/16 - squat, press, plank


dynamic warmup

squat (375) 7x5

2 rounds
push press (135) 5
pushups x 20
weighted plank (45) 40 seconds

Thursday, June 2, 2016

double under, box jump, row, toss, swing


dynamic warmup

double under x 75
box jump x 75

emom 8 minutes
row 12 calories

emom 8 minutes
keg toss (14) 12

emom 8 minutes
kb swing (52) 12

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

squat, bridge, core


dynamic warmup

squat (350) 5 x 7
bb glute bridge (225) 5 x 7

7 rounds
toe to bar x 7
hollow rock x 7
ghd situp x 10