Walk 2 miles
Pushups x 100
Situps x 100
Weighted pushups (62#) x 50
Run 3.5 miles
Pushups x 100
I am a Certified Fitness Trainer and CrossFit Level 1, CF Olympic Lifting, CF Gymnastics and CF Kettle Bell Trainer and this is my daily fitness blog. This is basically a journal for myself, follow at your own risk!
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Monday, November 25, 2013
Chest & Core
Bar Pushups 4 x 25
Bench Press (135) 10, (175) 10, (225) 10, (275) 10
Incline DB Press (90) 3 x 10
Cable Crossovers (25) 10, (30) 10, (35) 10
4 rounds of:
Situps x 25
GHD Hyper Situps x 10
Back Extensions x 15
Bar Pushups 4 x 25
Bench Press (135) 10, (175) 10, (225) 10, (275) 10
Incline DB Press (90) 3 x 10
Cable Crossovers (25) 10, (30) 10, (35) 10
4 rounds of:
Situps x 25
GHD Hyper Situps x 10
Back Extensions x 15
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Jumped in on a leg workout with Josh Kosier (2011 Teenage Nationals Champ) from Complete Nutrition. Check Josh out in the November 2011 issue of Flex Magazine.
Leg Press (640) 20, (820) 20, (1000) 20, (1090) 15, (640) 35
Leg Extensions (90) 10, (150) 8, 8, 8, Drop Set (150) 8, (130) 8 (100) 8 (70) 8
Hip Flexor Curl (50) 3 x 15
Walking Lunge (30) 3 x 30
Kosier did a few sets of heavy squats before the leg presses. I opted out of the squats. I didn't want to rest the bar on my traps, or put the bar in the front rack position. My traps still haven't fully recovered from the competition last weekend and I have a compressed nerve around the rhomboids and the infraspinatus or possibly some carpal tunnel syndrome on my left side. My left thumb and sometimes my index finger tingle, but they seem to be related to the position of my back and shoulders, more than my wrist or elbow.
Jumped in on a leg workout with Josh Kosier (2011 Teenage Nationals Champ) from Complete Nutrition. Check Josh out in the November 2011 issue of Flex Magazine.
Leg Press (640) 20, (820) 20, (1000) 20, (1090) 15, (640) 35
Leg Extensions (90) 10, (150) 8, 8, 8, Drop Set (150) 8, (130) 8 (100) 8 (70) 8
Hip Flexor Curl (50) 3 x 15
Walking Lunge (30) 3 x 30
Kosier did a few sets of heavy squats before the leg presses. I opted out of the squats. I didn't want to rest the bar on my traps, or put the bar in the front rack position. My traps still haven't fully recovered from the competition last weekend and I have a compressed nerve around the rhomboids and the infraspinatus or possibly some carpal tunnel syndrome on my left side. My left thumb and sometimes my index finger tingle, but they seem to be related to the position of my back and shoulders, more than my wrist or elbow.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Active Rest: Situps, Arms, Ropes
11/21/13 - Active Rest
My traps and hamstrings needed a bit more recovery time, so I just did some ab and arm work. I also got a deep tissue massage that focused solely on my back for 60 minutes. I definitely needed it.
Situps x 100
Cable Curls 4 x 10
Rope Press 4 x 10
21 Curls x 3
Overhead Rope Press 3 x 10
Hammer Curl 3 x 10
Overhead Dumbbell Press 3 x 10
LF Machine Curls 3 x 10
Dips 3 x 10
4 rounds of:
Ropes (alt. waves) 60 seconds
Rope Pulleys 60 seconds
Situps x 25
My traps and hamstrings needed a bit more recovery time, so I just did some ab and arm work. I also got a deep tissue massage that focused solely on my back for 60 minutes. I definitely needed it.
Situps x 100
Cable Curls 4 x 10
Rope Press 4 x 10
21 Curls x 3
Overhead Rope Press 3 x 10
Hammer Curl 3 x 10
Overhead Dumbbell Press 3 x 10
LF Machine Curls 3 x 10
Dips 3 x 10
4 rounds of:
Ropes (alt. waves) 60 seconds
Rope Pulleys 60 seconds
Situps x 25
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
DUs, WBS, Burpees, BJs, Pullups, Barbell Rows, Cable Rows, DUs
Double Unders x 100
3 rounds, 21-15-9 reps of:
Wall Ball Shots (20#)
Box Jumps 24"
Barbell Rows (135) x 15
Cable Rows (160) 10, (180) 4, (200) 4, (220) 4, (240) 4
Double Unders x 100
Double Unders x 100
3 rounds, 21-15-9 reps of:
Wall Ball Shots (20#)
Box Jumps 24"
Barbell Rows (135) x 15
Cable Rows (160) 10, (180) 4, (200) 4, (220) 4, (240) 4
Double Unders x 100
One more rep! Workout 3, CrossFit Visone's Turkey Takedown |
Monday, November 18, 2013
Rest Day
11/18/13 - Rest Day
Took the day off completely, none of that active resting bullshit! I felt pretty good today, except for my traps feel like they have been tenderized with a mallet.
Took the day off completely, none of that active resting bullshit! I felt pretty good today, except for my traps feel like they have been tenderized with a mallet.
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Turkey Takedown (Day 2) W1: Snatch & Burpee BJ's, W2: Shoulder to OH, T2B, HC, PU, WBS, DL
Workout 1 (8 minute time cap)
5 rounds of:
Power Snatch (115#) x 5
Burpee Box Jumps (24") x 7
Workout 2 (12 minute time cap)
3 rounds of:
Shoulder to Overhead (95#) x 9
Toes to Bar x 9
2 rounds of:
Hang Clean (135#) x 15
Pullups (no butterfly allowed) x 15
1 round of:
Wall Ball Shots (20#) x 21
Deadlifts (225#) x 21
(I could only finish 10 or 11 deadlifts)
Day 2 of the Turkey Takedown proved to be just as fun as the day before. My mind was up for the task, but my body was a few steps behind. When the first workout was announced, I was relieved until I got halfway through round one. A 115# power snatch felt like 185#, and my quads were smoked by the 4th burpee box jump, now add 4 more rounds and another workout! My forearms were so fatigued in the second workout, I lost the bar during the hang cleans three times and I could barely get the clamps off to add more weight for the dead lifts. So much fun!
Workout 1 (8 minute time cap)
5 rounds of:
Power Snatch (115#) x 5
Burpee Box Jumps (24") x 7
Workout 2 (12 minute time cap)
3 rounds of:
Shoulder to Overhead (95#) x 9
Toes to Bar x 9
2 rounds of:
Hang Clean (135#) x 15
Pullups (no butterfly allowed) x 15
1 round of:
Wall Ball Shots (20#) x 21
Deadlifts (225#) x 21
(I could only finish 10 or 11 deadlifts)
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Turkey Takedown (Day 1) W1: Run, W2: Bear, DU's, Thrusters, W3: Row, OHS, KB Swing
CrossFit Visone's Turkey Takedown! So much fun! Good programming, very challenging! Brandon Pastorek did a great job! I am looking forward to day two. I did as well as I expected for my first competition, not sure where I stand at this point, but I know what my weaknesses are.
Workout 1
Run 1.5 miles (w/25# bumper plate)
Run 1.5 miles
Workout 2
Bear Complex 1 Rep Max (215#)
AMRAP 1 minute:
Double Unders x 20
Thrusters (95#)
AMRAP 2 minutes:
Double Unders x 20
Thrusters (95#)
AMRAP 3 minutes:
Double Unders x 20
Thrusters (95#)
(37 thrusters)
Workout 2
Row 1000m
Overhead Squat (45#) x 50
Kettle Bell Swing (53#) x 100
Overhead Squat (95#) x 50
CrossFit Visone's Turkey Takedown! So much fun! Good programming, very challenging! Brandon Pastorek did a great job! I am looking forward to day two. I did as well as I expected for my first competition, not sure where I stand at this point, but I know what my weaknesses are.
Workout 1
Run 1.5 miles (w/25# bumper plate)
Run 1.5 miles
Workout 2
Bear Complex 1 Rep Max (215#)
AMRAP 1 minute:
Double Unders x 20
Thrusters (95#)
AMRAP 2 minutes:
Double Unders x 20
Thrusters (95#)
AMRAP 3 minutes:
Double Unders x 20
Thrusters (95#)
(37 thrusters)
Workout 2
Row 1000m
Overhead Squat (45#) x 50
Kettle Bell Swing (53#) x 100
Overhead Squat (95#) x 50
Friday, November 15, 2013
Final Rest Day Before Contest
Pretty much a total rest day. I did a few exercises and stretched on the rings for a bit, but that was all. I bumped my calories up and tried to sleep more this week in preparation for the Turkey Takedown tomorrow (www.crossfitvisone.com). I didn't have time to train for this contest and I didn't change anything about this weeks workouts, since I found out about it Friday and signed up last Monday. I did brush up on butterfly kipping, and double, unders, which both still need a lot of work. Nervous and anxious! Not feeling super confident, but fuck it!
Pretty much a total rest day. I did a few exercises and stretched on the rings for a bit, but that was all. I bumped my calories up and tried to sleep more this week in preparation for the Turkey Takedown tomorrow (www.crossfitvisone.com). I didn't have time to train for this contest and I didn't change anything about this weeks workouts, since I found out about it Friday and signed up last Monday. I did brush up on butterfly kipping, and double, unders, which both still need a lot of work. Nervous and anxious! Not feeling super confident, but fuck it!
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
W1: "Annie" (Situps, DU's), Pullups & W2: Row, "Annie" (DU's, Situps)
Workout 1 "Annie" (backwards)
5 rounds, reps x 50-40-30-20-10
Double Unders
Butterfly Kip Pullups x 100 (9:30)
Workout 2
Row 1 mile (6:01)
Row 1 mile (6:36)
5 rounds, reps x 50-40-30-20-10
Double Unders
Workout 1 "Annie" (backwards)
5 rounds, reps x 50-40-30-20-10
Double Unders
Butterfly Kip Pullups x 100 (9:30)
Workout 2
Row 1 mile (6:01)
Row 1 mile (6:36)
5 rounds, reps x 50-40-30-20-10
Double Unders
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Row, Burpees (PR), (light cardio, contest prep)
Light Cardio for the next 4 days. Turkey Takedown (www.crossfitvisone.com) this weekend!
Workout 1
Row 1 mile (6:30)
Row 20 calories
Row 20 calories
Row 2 miles (14:40)
Workout 2
Burpees x 100 (5:15)
Light Cardio for the next 4 days. Turkey Takedown (www.crossfitvisone.com) this weekend!
Workout 1
Row 1 mile (6:30)
Row 20 calories
Row 20 calories
Row 2 miles (14:40)
Workout 2
Burpees x 100 (5:15)
Monday, November 11, 2013
W1: Butterfly Kip, W2: Thrusters, Double Unders & W3: "Walsh" Burpee/Pullups, Squat, Overhead Run
Workout 1 (7:30am)
Butterfly Kip Pullups x 100
Workout 2 (12:00pm)
Thrusters (70) x 30
Double Unders x 25
Thrusters (70) x 20
Double Unders x 50
Thrusters (70) x 10
Double Unders x 75
Workout 3 (5:45pm)
"Walsh" www.crossfit.com hero wod
4 rounds of:
Burpee Pullups x 22
Squats (no rack) (185#) x 22
Overhead Run (45# plate) x 200m
AMRAP 30 minutes = 156 reps
I did a drop in workout at www.crossfitvisone.com. They put a 30 minute cap, or AMRAP, I could only complete 3 rounds plus Burpee/Pullups x 22 in 30 minutes. I took a good break and then finished the remainder (Squats x 22 and 200m overhead walk) in 38:13. I did the burpee pullups unbroken with a couple breaths between reps. The squats I tried to break up something like 12-6-4. Which sucks because I ended up dead lifting, cleaning, and pressing 185# x 12. I used the overhead walk for cardio recovery. I had no problem keeping the weight overhead for 200m unbroken, but it smoked my shoulders, so I still had to take some decent breaks. I am inefficient and slow as shit–is what I am really trying to say. My traps are smoked!
Workout 1 (7:30am)
Butterfly Kip Pullups x 100
Workout 2 (12:00pm)
Thrusters (70) x 30
Double Unders x 25
Thrusters (70) x 20
Double Unders x 50
Thrusters (70) x 10
Double Unders x 75
Workout 3 (5:45pm)
"Walsh" www.crossfit.com hero wod
4 rounds of:
Burpee Pullups x 22
Squats (no rack) (185#) x 22
Overhead Run (45# plate) x 200m
AMRAP 30 minutes = 156 reps
I did a drop in workout at www.crossfitvisone.com. They put a 30 minute cap, or AMRAP, I could only complete 3 rounds plus Burpee/Pullups x 22 in 30 minutes. I took a good break and then finished the remainder (Squats x 22 and 200m overhead walk) in 38:13. I did the burpee pullups unbroken with a couple breaths between reps. The squats I tried to break up something like 12-6-4. Which sucks because I ended up dead lifting, cleaning, and pressing 185# x 12. I used the overhead walk for cardio recovery. I had no problem keeping the weight overhead for 200m unbroken, but it smoked my shoulders, so I still had to take some decent breaks. I am inefficient and slow as shit–is what I am really trying to say. My traps are smoked!
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Chicago's Perfect 10 at Navy Pier (10 mile)
10 mile run
Faster than I planned to run, but I wasn't sure what to expect. Since this was my first 10 mile, I wanted to take it easy until I felt comfortable. I could have probably ran it around 1:30, but I shuffled with my running partner until I got to mile 5, at which point I increased my pace steadily. At mile 9 I had plenty of energy to push about a 7 minute pace, and finally sprinting the last 50 yards.
I ate a half cup of oatmeal, a Starbuck's Berry Refresher, and only drank half of a shake (1 cup of berries, 1 scoop of protein, 1.5 cups of water). I took a Gu shot at mile 5 and a Gatorade at mile 7.
My left knee has been a little tight and slightly painful at the insertion of the Biceps Femoris. Rolling and stretching for recovery. One more race for this season, (Jingle Bell Run 10k, Chicago)!
10 mile run
Faster than I planned to run, but I wasn't sure what to expect. Since this was my first 10 mile, I wanted to take it easy until I felt comfortable. I could have probably ran it around 1:30, but I shuffled with my running partner until I got to mile 5, at which point I increased my pace steadily. At mile 9 I had plenty of energy to push about a 7 minute pace, and finally sprinting the last 50 yards.
I ate a half cup of oatmeal, a Starbuck's Berry Refresher, and only drank half of a shake (1 cup of berries, 1 scoop of protein, 1.5 cups of water). I took a Gu shot at mile 5 and a Gatorade at mile 7.
My left knee has been a little tight and slightly painful at the insertion of the Biceps Femoris. Rolling and stretching for recovery. One more race for this season, (Jingle Bell Run 10k, Chicago)!
Row, Toes to Bar, Situps, GHD/WB Situps
Row 1600m
5 rounds of:
Toes to Bar x 15
Situps x 25
GHD Wall Ball Situps (8#) 4 x 10
Row 1600m
5 rounds of:
Toes to Bar x 15
Situps x 25
GHD Wall Ball Situps (8#) 4 x 10
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Arms, Cleans, GHD Situps, L-Sit, Skin the Cat
Cable Curls/Rope Press 4 x 15
21 Curls/Overhead Rope Press 3 x 10
Hammer Curls/Overhead DB Press 3 x 10
Barbell Curls (45) x 100
Hang Cleans (95) x 100
3 rounds of:
GHD Situps (with 10# med ball) x 15
L-Sit to Skin The Cat to L-sit x 2
Cable Curls/Rope Press 4 x 15
21 Curls/Overhead Rope Press 3 x 10
Hammer Curls/Overhead DB Press 3 x 10
Barbell Curls (45) x 100
Hang Cleans (95) x 100
3 rounds of:
GHD Situps (with 10# med ball) x 15
L-Sit to Skin The Cat to L-sit x 2
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
W1: Burpees, Squats, Hip Extensions & W2: MU, PU, Bench, Inc DB Press, Crossovers, Dips
Workout 1
Burpees x 100 (6:01)
Squats (95) x 100 (9:35)
Hip Extensions x 100
Workout 2
Muscle ups x 15
Pushups x 100 (2:30)
Bench Press (135) 20, (175) 10, (225) 10, (225) 5
Incline DB Press (75) 10, (80) 10, (85) 8
Cable Crossovers (30) 10, 10, 10
Ring Dips 10, 10, 10, 10
Workout 1
Burpees x 100 (6:01)
Squats (95) x 100 (9:35)
Hip Extensions x 100
Workout 2
Muscle ups x 15
Pushups x 100 (2:30)
Bench Press (135) 20, (175) 10, (225) 10, (225) 5
Incline DB Press (75) 10, (80) 10, (85) 8
Cable Crossovers (30) 10, 10, 10
Ring Dips 10, 10, 10, 10
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Wall Balls, Squats, Leg Press, Dead Lift, Handstand Walks
Wall Ball Shots (20) x 100
Squats (135) 10, (205) 10, (225) 10, (275) 4, 2
Leg Press (550) 20, 20, 20, 20
Dead Lift (225) 20, 10, 10, 5
Skill Work: Handstand Walks
Wall Ball Shots (20) x 100
Squats (135) 10, (205) 10, (225) 10, (275) 4, 2
Leg Press (550) 20, 20, 20, 20
Dead Lift (225) 20, 10, 10, 5
Skill Work: Handstand Walks
Monday, November 4, 2013
Acitve Recovery - "Fran" (Thrusters, Pullups) & Situps
"Fran" benchmark workout - www.crossfit.com
21-15-9 reps of:
Thrusters (95)
Situps x 100
I was suckin' wind on thrusters, but my butterfly kip is getting much better. My left hand tore during the warmup and my right hand tore before I got to 15 on the first set of pullups, which didn't help my time. My blisters and calluses aren't really to blame, my real excuse is shit diet and avoiding thrusters. I hate thrusters, but I need to start programming them a couple times per week until I get Fran under 5 minutes.
"Fran" benchmark workout - www.crossfit.com
21-15-9 reps of:
Thrusters (95)
Situps x 100
I was suckin' wind on thrusters, but my butterfly kip is getting much better. My left hand tore during the warmup and my right hand tore before I got to 15 on the first set of pullups, which didn't help my time. My blisters and calluses aren't really to blame, my real excuse is shit diet and avoiding thrusters. I hate thrusters, but I need to start programming them a couple times per week until I get Fran under 5 minutes.
Sunday, November 3, 2013
WB Shots, Pullups, KB Swing, WB Situp, Toes to Bar, Burpees (Partner Workout)
Partner Workout: alternate 10 reps with a partner until you reach the prescribed number of reps.
Wall Ball Shots (20) x 150
Pullups x 100
Kettle Bell Swing (70) x 100
Wall Ball Situps (14) x 200
Toes to Bar x 100
Burpees x 100
Partner Workout: alternate 10 reps with a partner until you reach the prescribed number of reps.
Wall Ball Shots (20) x 150
Pullups x 100
Kettle Bell Swing (70) x 100
Wall Ball Situps (14) x 200
Toes to Bar x 100
Burpees x 100
Spartan Sprint
11/02/13 - Spartan Sprint (3+ miles and 15+ obstacles), Miller Park, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Time: 51:02
Overall: 257th/3273
Age Group: 49th
I had a blast! The obstacles were challenging, but it seemed more like a workout than a race. I think the Urban Warrior Dash was a little harder, but the Spartan Sprint in the Milwaukee stadium was pretty cool. The obstacles started with bear crawls and high knees up 3 or 4 flights of ramps followed by 30 overhead ball slams with a 25-pounder. Lots of walls to hurdle, ranging in height from 4 - 8 feet. There were several types of carrying obstacles, (sandbags, water jugs, cement blocks). I thought the weights could have been a bit more challenging. I loved the Concept 2 rower obstacle of 500 meters under 2 minutes. It was tough because you couldn't see your pace or the time, you could only see your meters. If you failed, you had to do 30 burpees, which was the penalty for any failed obstacle. There was a Hercules Hoist where you had to hoist a cement block up about 25 feet, jump rope with a heavy rope, box jumps, cargo net and a rope climb, as well as countless stairs climbs up and down the stadium bleachers.
Time: 51:02
Overall: 257th/3273
Age Group: 49th
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The view from the spectators seats overlooking the finish line. |
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Margot Miley, her super trainer Matt Hoeft, and myself. |
Friday, November 1, 2013
KB Swing, Squat, Clean, Deadlift, Muscle Up, HSPU, L-SIt-Skin the Cat, Box Jump
Warmup, 5 rounds of:
Kettle Bell Swing (45) x 10
Squat x 10
Hang Cleans (95) 4, (135) 4, (155) 4, (185) 4, (205) 4, (225) 2 -
Dead Lift (225) 4, (255) 4, (275) 4, (295) 4, (315) 4, (335) 1, (355) -
3 rounds of:
Muscle Ups x 5
Handstand Pushups x 5
L-Sit to Skin the Cat to L-Sit x 3 (without touching ground)
Box Jumps (36") x 3
Diet is probably around 80/20 most of the week and possibly 60/40 on the weekend.
My calories have been erratic all month (too little during the day, too many at night), my strength is most-likely suffering because of this. Tried to clean 225 x 4 and failed on the 3rd, then tried to pull 355 off the floor, but the weight seemed to be cemented to the floor. Then we programmed the wod for 6 rounds and in the first round decided 3 would be pushing it.
Warmup, 5 rounds of:
Kettle Bell Swing (45) x 10
Squat x 10
Hang Cleans (95) 4, (135) 4, (155) 4, (185) 4, (205) 4, (225) 2 -
Dead Lift (225) 4, (255) 4, (275) 4, (295) 4, (315) 4, (335) 1, (355) -
3 rounds of:
Muscle Ups x 5
Handstand Pushups x 5
L-Sit to Skin the Cat to L-Sit x 3 (without touching ground)
Box Jumps (36") x 3
Diet is probably around 80/20 most of the week and possibly 60/40 on the weekend.
My calories have been erratic all month (too little during the day, too many at night), my strength is most-likely suffering because of this. Tried to clean 225 x 4 and failed on the 3rd, then tried to pull 355 off the floor, but the weight seemed to be cemented to the floor. Then we programmed the wod for 6 rounds and in the first round decided 3 would be pushing it.
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